Check out our downloadable guides and resources to ensure your business is inclusive, welcoming, and accessible for LGBTQIA+ clients, business partners, and communities.
NEW eBook
The Essential Guide To LGBTQIA+ Inclusive Wellness Services
Created specifically for wellness practitioners committed to creating LGBTQIA+ inclusive, accessible and affirming services, practices and spaces.
Latest Guides
The Queer Inclusive Marketing Guide
Harness the power of authentic representation for your business brand, and engage with LGBTQIA+ audiences.
A-Z of LGBTQIA+ Terminology
A handy guide to many of the common terms, acronyms, and language related to the LGBTQIA+ community. To help you communicate more authentically with your audience.
Inclusive Business Guide
This guide will help you to feel more confident that you're creating an LGBTQIA+ inclusive business where everyone feels valued and has equal opportunity to thrive.
CIPD Guide to Transgender & non binary Inclusion
From the CIPD, the professional body for HR, L&D, OD and all people professionals - this comprehensive guide is a useful resource for anyone working with and supporting trans+ and gender diverse folks.