Why LGBTQ+ mental health and wellness matters at work

We all know that wellness is fundamental to achieving our fullest potential but sadly LGBTQ+ people are three times as likely to struggle with their mental health.

Huge strides forward have been made over the past few decades, however, sadly the workplace is still a place where LGBTQ+ folks often don’t have the same opportunities to thrive and achieve their full potential.

Although LGBTQ+ folks have learned to be incredibly resilient and determined, the lack of understanding, negative media and discriminatory views towards LGBTQ+ people, particularly trans+ communities inevitably takes its toll.

The good news is your workplace can help to change this!

If you’re an organisation that wants to demonstrate your ongoing commitment to LGBTQ+ inclusivity with something a little different this Pride month, we’ve got you!

The Proud Allies & Wellbeing Workshop

What’s Included:

PART ONE: LGBTQ+ Mental Health & Allies Training

A friendly, and supportive training session for your teams which will include some quiz style questions, space for Q&A and end with some simple allyship actions that everyone can implement straight away.
(30 mins)

PART TWO: A choice of 4 different Wellness Experiences

A choice of unique wellness experiences delivered by our LGBTQ+ identifying wellness experts that can be delivered flexibly, e.g. one or more wellness sessions combined with the Mental Health & Allies Training
(30 mins each)

Proud Allies & Wellbeing Workshop Duration: 60-90 minutes total

Delivery: Zoom or Teams (please enquire about in-person)

PART ONE: LGBTQ+ Mental Health & Allies Training

Sarah Taylor (she/her)

A friendly, supportive training workshop delivered by Sarah Taylor (she/her)

Sarah is a diversity, equity and inclusion trainer, speaker, and LGBTQ+ life coach, helping people and organisations create workplaces where everyone thrives. She’s also the CEO and founder of Proud Wellness, a non-profit LGBTQ+ inclusive wellness services, training and events company.

Sarah’s work brings together skills and experience developed over twenty years working as a senior HR professional, leadership coach and training specialist in the corporate sector, together with extensive experience supporting organisations on their LGBTQ+ diversity and inclusion strategies.

By the end of the training session participants will:

  • Learn about the history of Pride and the journey of equality for LGBTQ+ people.

  • Understand the mental health challenges for LGBTQ+ people in the workplace.

  • Feel more confident to support their LGBTQ+ team members and colleagues.

  • Learn how to be a brilliant LGBTQ+ ally and the simple yet powerful action steps they can take today to make a difference!

PART TWO: A Choice of Wellness Experiences

  • Mindful Movement for Calm & Joy with Brinny Roe (they/them)

    Brinny is here to help you discover the positive impacts movement can have on your mind and start to see how you can bring more of it into your life as an essential part of self-care.

    Brinny is a queer non binary coach with extensive experience in transforming people's relationship to work, life and exercise, through workshop facilitation, coaching and training.

    Currently working for Calm as their UK workshop facilitator and the charity Not a Phase as their Lead Coach in Brighton, to support trans+ adults connect with exercise in a safe and affirming space.

  • Accessible Chair Yoga with Lou Thomas (they/them)

    Accessible yoga means everyone being able to practice together and enjoy the physical, emotional, and mental benefits of yoga in a friendly and therapeutic space. In this workshop we will practice gentle yoga, to get your body moving, breathe deep, and meditate while seated in a chair.

    Lou is a yoga teacher, massage therapist, and creative arts facilitator, who helps people connect with their bodies, themselves and their communities. They specialise in trauma-informed, accessible, and therapeutic approaches to wellbeing, and working with LGBTQ+, disabled, and neurodivergent communities.

  • Creative Journaling for Self-Care with Musa Francis (he/him)

    This workshop will take you on an illuminating journey to uncover the real thing that’s stopping you from fully accessing your potential and finding more joy in your life! In this self-care and resilience workshop you’ll experience visualisation exercises and simple, creative journaling prompts to get you thinking in new and different ways about who you are, and what lights you up!

    Musa is a mental health coach, trainer, consultant and speaker. As a queer trans man and founder of BLOOMING QUEER, Musa is passionate about helping other LGBTQIA+ folks to live boldly, to love themselves fiercely, and to care for themselves radically.

  • Comedy Improv for Confidence with Ali Hannon (they/them)

    Ali loves to bring the joy of improv to people who don’t necessarily think improv is for them! They have developed a uniquely safe and nurturing teaching practice that's enjoyed by people all across the world. Ali has performed across the UK, including a nationwide tour, Women in Comedy Festival, Brighton and Camden Festivals.

    Ali is an Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) consultant (and award-winning comedy performer on the side) helping companies put the joy into cultural change and business training. Their approach blends performing and teaching skills with their established track record developing multinational executive communications in the corporate sector.


Our training and workshop formats are flexible to suit your requirements - please do get in touch if you’d like us to develop a bespoke or more tailored solution for you.

Training & 1 Wellness Experience (60 minutes) £1,000 incl. VAT

Training & 2 Wellness Experiences (90 minutes) £1,500 incl. VAT

Delivery: Online via Zoom or Teams (please enquire about in-person options)

N.B. We offer a discount of 20% for Charities and Non-Profit organisations.


Contact Details:

Sarah Taylor (she/her)

07947 280098